Easily do sasan gir safari booking

Easily do sasan gir safari booking from here.

Welcome to the enchanting world of Sasan Gir Forest National Park, a sanctuary nestled in the heart of Gujarat, India. This ecological haven is a testament to nature’s resilience and the tireless efforts of conservationists worldwide. Spread across rugged hills and lush deciduous forests, Sasan Gir Forest National Park holds an exceptional significance as the last refuge of the magnificent Asiatic Lions. Join us on this journey to discover the vital importance of this protected area and the critical role it plays in preserving the heritage of these regal creatures.

The Asiatic Lion: An Icon of Endangered Majesty

The Asiatic Lion (Panthera leo persica) once roamed across vast stretches of Asia, from Turkey to India. Yet, as civilization advanced, human encroachment and hunting pushed these majestic creatures to the brink of extinction. By the early 20th century, only a few of these iconic beasts remained, clinging to survival in the wilds of the Sasan Gir region.

A Glimpse into Gir Forest National Park

Spread across approximately [Area in km²], Gir Forest National Park stands tall as a conservation triumph. Established in [Year], the park has been meticulously safeguarded, serving as a vital sanctuary for the endangered Asiatic Lions. It is a land of contrasts, with rugged landscapes, dense forests, and thriving ecosystems that harbor an impressive array of flora and fauna.

Preserving the Heritage: Collaborative Efforts

The conservation of Gir Forest National Park and the protection of its charismatic inhabitants are not the efforts of a single entity but a collective endeavor. The government, local communities, conservation organizations, and wildlife enthusiasts from all corners of the world have come together to ensure the survival of the Asiatic Lions and the park’s diverse wildlife.

Communities living around the park play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance. Collaborative programs engage these communities in sustainable livelihood practices, reducing human-wildlife conflicts and fostering a sense of ownership towards protecting the park’s resources.

The Responsibility of Responsible Tourism

As visitors, we have the privilege of exploring the captivating beauty of Gir Forest National Park. However, it comes with the responsibility to preserve this delicate ecosystem for future generations. Responsible tourism practices are essential to minimize our impact on the park’s environment and wildlife.

When embarking on a safari, always follow the guidelines set by the park authorities. Refrain from approaching animals too closely, and avoid making loud noises that could disturb their natural behavior. Remember, the welfare of the animals and the preservation of their habitats should always be our top priority.

Description of the Park’s Geographical Features

Gir National Park’s landscape is a captivating fusion of diverse terrains that contribute to its unique ecosystem. Spanning an area of approximately [Area in km²], the park presents a fascinating combination of:

  • Rugged Hills: The park boasts undulating hills, some rising to considerable heights, creating a dramatic backdrop for the diverse wildlife residing within.
  • Plains and Valleys: Interlaced with verdant valleys and vast plains, Gir National Park offers an ideal habitat for a myriad of species to thrive.
  • Deciduous Forests: Dense deciduous forests dominate the region, adorned with teak, flame of the forest, and other flora that provide vital shelter and sustenance to the park’s wildlife.
  • Scrubs and Grasslands: These open grassy areas and scrublands serve as feeding grounds for herbivores and offer a stark contrast to the surrounding dense forests.
  • Water Bodies: The park is blessed with perennial rivers, streams, and water reservoirs that quench the thirst of its inhabitants and provide an oasis for both animals and birds.


Overview of the Diverse Flora and Fauna

Flora: Sasan Gir National Park is a botanical treasure trove, boasting an incredible variety of flora that contributes to its vibrant ecosystem. The key floral species include:

  • Teak (Tectona grandis): A dominant tree species in the deciduous forests, providing valuable timber and shade.
  • Flame of the Forest (Butea monosperma): Known for its striking orange-red flowers, this tree adds a burst of color to the landscape.
  • Dhak (Butea monosperma): Another tree species known for its bright red flowers, attracting a myriad of pollinators.
  • Prosopis (Prosopis juliflora): A common shrub found in the scrublands, providing fodder to various herbivores.
  • Jamun (Syzygium cumini): A fruit-bearing tree, attracting numerous bird species to the park.

Fauna: Sasan Gir National Park is celebrated for being the last refuge of the critically endangered Asiatic Lions (Panthera leo persica). However, the park’s biodiversity extends far beyond these majestic predators. It is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including:

  • Mammals: Apart from the Asiatic Lions, visitors can encounter elusive leopards, agile jungle cats, Indian foxes, spotted deer, sambar deer, Indian gazelles (chinkara), wild boars, and Indian pangolins, among others.
  • Birds: Sasan Gir National Park boasts over 300 bird species, making it a haven for birdwatchers. Keep an eye out for the rare Indian vulture, painted sandgrouse, Malabar whistling thrush, and Indian peafowl, among others.
  • Reptiles: The park is inhabited by various reptile species, including Indian rock pythons, Indian cobras, monitor lizards, and marsh crocodiles.
  • Invertebrates: The park’s rich biodiversity extends to invertebrates such as butterflies, spiders, and a plethora of insects that play a vital role in the ecosystem.

Best Time to Visit Sasan Gir National Park

The timing of your visit can significantly influence your wildlife encounters and overall experience at Gir National Park. The two main factors to consider when deciding the best time are the weather and the behavior of the park’s inhabitants, particularly the Asiatic Lions.

a) Winter (November to February):

  • This is considered the prime time to visit Gir Forest National Park.
  • The weather is pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 25°C (50°F to 77°F), making daytime safaris comfortable.
  • The sparse foliage allows better visibility, making it easier to spot wildlife, including the elusive Asiatic Lions.
  • Migratory birds also flock to the park during this season, delighting birdwatchers with their vibrant plumage.

b) Summer (March to June):

  • Summer in Sasan Gir National Park can be scorching, with temperatures soaring up to 40°C (104°F) or higher.
  • The dry and hot conditions force animals to venture closer to water bodies, increasing your chances of sighting various wildlife during safaris.
  • The landscape takes on a golden hue, presenting unique photo opportunities.

c) Monsoon (July to September):

  • Monsoons bring much-needed respite from the scorching summer heat.
  • However, the park remains closed for visitors during the monsoon season to avoid soil erosion and potential hazards due to heavy rainfall.

d) Post-Monsoon (October to November):

  • The park reopens in October, marking the end of the monsoon season.
  • The post-monsoon period breathes new life into the region, with lush greenery and revitalized water bodies, attracting a variety of wildlife.

2. Weather Conditions and Seasons

a) Winter:

  • Temperatures are mild during the day and can drop significantly during the night, so it’s essential to pack layers for warmth.
  • Early mornings and late afternoons can be chilly, so carrying a light jacket or sweater is advisable.

b) Summer:

  • Summers are scorching, so dress in light and breathable clothing to stay comfortable during safaris.
  • Sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses are essential to protect yourself from the harsh sun.

c) Post-Monsoon:

  • The weather during the post-monsoon season is relatively pleasant, with mild temperatures and occasional rainfall.
  • Light rain showers are common, so carrying a waterproof jacket and sturdy footwear is recommended.

Book Sasan Gir Safari Online

Sasan Gir Forest National Park attracts numerous visitors eager to witness the rare spectacle of Asiatic Lions in their natural habitat. To secure your spot and make the most of your visit, follow these steps for booking:

a) Online Booking: 

b) Authorized Tour Operators:

  • If you prefer personalized assistance or package options, you can opt for authorized tour operators who offer safari packages to Sasan Gir National Park.
  • Research and choose reputable tour operators who comply with the park’s regulations and prioritize responsible tourism.

2. Booking Process and Available Options

a) Safari Types: Gir National Park offers various safari options to cater to different preferences and interests:

  • Jeep Safari: A popular choice for most visitors, providing a more intimate wildlife encounter with trained guides and experienced drivers. Jeeps accommodate a limited number of passengers to ensure a comfortable experience.
  • Canter Safari: Ideal for larger groups, canter safaris offer a shared experience, providing an affordable option for exploring the park’s wilderness.
  • Walking Safari: For the adventurous souls seeking a closer connection to nature, walking safaris led by experienced naturalists allow you to explore the park on foot and immerse yourself in its wonders.

b) Duration and Restrictions:

  • The duration of each safari varies depending on the type chosen, usually lasting for a few hours.
  • It is crucial to follow the park’s rules and regulations during the safari, such as maintaining a safe distance from wildlife, not feeding the animals, and respecting the natural environment.

c) Fees and Charges:

  • The fees for safaris and park visits may vary for Indian and foreign tourists.
  • There may be additional charges for carrying cameras or filming equipment into the park.
  • Entry fees and safari fees contribute to wildlife conservation and park maintenance.

Always make booking from official Government Website to prevent your self from getting scammed.

Contact Timings

1) Sasan Gir ( Gir Jungle Safari / Develia Gypsy Safari / Develia Bus Safari )


Deputy Conservator of Forests, Wildlife Division,
Sasan Gir, Junagadh-Gujarat (India).

PHONE – 02877-285621

E-MAIL – gslcsgir@yahoo.com

2) Ambardi Safari Park


Deputy Conservator of Forests, Gir(East) Forest Division ,
Near Kodiyar Dam, Dhari, District Amreli, Gujarat (India).

PHONE – 6359950214

E-MAIL – dcf_dhari@yahoo.com

3) Girnar Nature Safari


Girnar Nature Safari, Indreshwar Thana, Dolatpara,Junagadh
Gujarat (India) – 362004.

PHONE – 0285-2651763,6359950387

E-MAIL – girnar.safari@gmail.com

The contact details are taken from the official govt. website, we request you to always call on the given number before making online booking and get answers to your queries. We are just an aggregators of the information and the details changed on the official website may not be updated here from time to time so better check the official site from the links given above in the article and follow the instructions given in it.

We curate the details from public domain that we feel would be interesting, insightful and informative to our readers. For any query related to content, do contact us.